Source code for statmorph.statmorph

Python code for calculating non-parametric morphological diagnostics
of galaxy images.
# Author: Vicente Rodriguez-Gomez <>
# Licensed under a 3-Clause BSD License.
import warnings
import time
import numpy as np
import scipy.optimize as opt
import scipy.ndimage as ndi
import scipy.signal
import skimage.measure
import skimage.transform
import skimage.feature
import skimage.segmentation
from astropy.utils import lazyproperty
from astropy.stats import (sigma_clipped_stats, akaike_info_criterion_lsq,
from astropy.modeling import models, fitting, Fittable2DModel, Parameter
from astropy.utils.exceptions import (AstropyUserWarning,
from astropy.convolution import convolve
import photutils

__all__ = [

__version__ = '0.5.7'

# A list of the quantities calculated by SourceMorphology,
# excluding the double Sersic parameters:
_quantity_names = [

# A list of the quantities generated by the double Sersic fit:
_doublesersic_quantity_names = [

def _quantile(sorted_values, q):
    For a sorted (in increasing order) 1-d array, return the value
    corresponding to the quantile ``q``.

    The result is identical to np.percentile(..., interpolation='lower'),
    but the currently defined function is infinitely faster for sorted arrays.
    if q < 0 or q > 1:
        raise ValueError('Quantiles must be in the range [0, 1].')
    return sorted_values[int(q*(len(sorted_values)-1))]

def _aperture_area(ap, mask, **kwargs):
    Calculate the area of a photutils aperture object,
    excluding masked pixels.
    return ap.do_photometry(np.float64(~mask), **kwargs)[0][0]

def _aperture_mean_nomask(ap, image, **kwargs):
    Calculate the mean flux of an image for a given photutils
    aperture object. Note that we do not use ``_aperture_area``
    here. Instead, we divide by the full area of the
    aperture, regardless of masked and out-of-range pixels.
    This avoids problems when the aperture is larger than the
    region of interest.
    return ap.do_photometry(image, **kwargs)[0][0] / ap.area

def _fraction_of_total_function_circ(r, image, center, fraction, total_sum):
    Helper function to calculate ``_radius_at_fraction_of_total_circ``.
    assert (r >= 0) & (fraction >= 0) & (fraction <= 1) & (total_sum > 0)
    if r == 0:
        cur_fraction = 0.0
        ap = photutils.aperture.CircularAperture(center, r)
        # Force flux sum to be positive:
        ap_sum = np.abs(ap.do_photometry(image, method='exact')[0][0])
        cur_fraction = ap_sum / total_sum

    return cur_fraction - fraction

def _radius_at_fraction_of_total_circ(image, center, r_total, fraction):
    Return the radius (in pixels) of a concentric circle that
    contains a given fraction of the light within ``r_total``.
    flag = 0

    ap_total = photutils.aperture.CircularAperture(center, r_total)

    total_sum = ap_total.do_photometry(image, method='exact')[0][0]
    if total_sum == 0:
        warnings.warn('[r_circ] Total flux sum is zero.', AstropyUserWarning)
        flag = 2
        return r_total, flag
    elif total_sum < 0:
        warnings.warn('[r_circ] Total flux sum is negative.', AstropyUserWarning)
        flag = 2
        total_sum = np.abs(total_sum)

    # Find appropriate range for root finder
    npoints = 100
    r_grid = np.linspace(0.0, r_total, num=npoints)
    i = 0  # initial value
    while True:
        assert i < npoints, 'Root not found within range.'
        r = r_grid[i]
        curval = _fraction_of_total_function_circ(
            r, image, center, fraction, total_sum)
        if curval <= 0:
            r_min = r
        elif curval > 0:
            r_max = r
        i += 1

    r = opt.brentq(_fraction_of_total_function_circ, r_min, r_max,
                   args=(image, center, fraction, total_sum), xtol=1e-6)

    return r, flag

def _fraction_of_total_function_ellip(a, image, center, elongation, theta,
                                      fraction, total_sum):
    Helper function to calculate ``_radius_at_fraction_of_total_ellip``.
    assert (a >= 0) & (fraction >= 0) & (fraction <= 1) & (total_sum > 0)
    if a == 0:
        cur_fraction = 0.0
        b = a / elongation
        ap = photutils.aperture.EllipticalAperture(center, a, b, theta=theta)
        # Force flux sum to be positive:
        ap_sum = np.abs(ap.do_photometry(image, method='exact')[0][0])
        cur_fraction = ap_sum / total_sum

    return cur_fraction - fraction

def _radius_at_fraction_of_total_ellip(image, center, elongation, theta,
                                       a_total, fraction):
    Return the semimajor axis (in pixels) of a concentric ellipse that
    contains a given fraction of the light within a larger ellipse of
    semimajor axis ``a_total``.
    flag = 0

    b_total = a_total / elongation
    ap_total = photutils.aperture.EllipticalAperture(
        center, a_total, b_total, theta=theta)

    total_sum = ap_total.do_photometry(image, method='exact')[0][0]
    if total_sum == 0:
        warnings.warn('[r_ellip] Total flux sum is zero.', AstropyUserWarning)
        flag = 2
        return a_total, flag
    elif total_sum < 0:
        warnings.warn('[r_ellip] Total flux sum is negative.', AstropyUserWarning)
        flag = 2
        total_sum = np.abs(total_sum)

    # Find appropriate range for root finder
    npoints = 100
    a_grid = np.linspace(0.0, a_total, num=npoints)
    i = 0  # initial value
    while True:
        assert i < npoints, 'Root not found within range.'
        a = a_grid[i]
        curval = _fraction_of_total_function_ellip(
            a, image, center, elongation, theta, fraction, total_sum)
        if curval <= 0:
            a_min = a
        elif curval > 0:
            a_max = a
        i += 1

    a = opt.brentq(_fraction_of_total_function_ellip, a_min, a_max,
                   args=(image, center, elongation, theta, fraction, total_sum),

    return a, flag

def _postfitting_fix(a, ellip, theta):
    In some rare cases, the ellipticity of the fitted Sersic models is
    outside the range [0, 1]. While we could constrain this parameter
    during the fit using the ``bounds`` keyword argument in `Sersic2D`,
    a less aggressive solution is to create an equivalent model after
    fitting by exploiting degeneracies between the ellipticity,
    semimajor and semiminor axes, and position angle, as we do here.
    if a < 0:  # (1)
        # First of all, we make sure that the semimajor axis is positive
        # (note that only a^2 appears in the equations in Sersic2D).
        a *= -1
    if ellip > 1:  # (2)
        # Note that the semiminor axis is given by
        # b = (1 - ellip) * a.
        # This would yield a negative value for b, but since only b^2
        # is required, we can define an equivalent ellipticity as
        # 1 - ellip' = -(1 - ellip)  =>  ellip' = 2 - ellip.
        ellip = 2.0 - ellip
    if ellip < 0:  # (3)
        # This can be interpreted as a, b being flipped (a < b), so we
        # switch them and define an equivalent ellipticity as
        # 1 - ellip' = 1 / (1 - ellip)  =>  ellip' = ellip / (ellip - 1).
        a = (1 - ellip) * a
        ellip = ellip / (ellip - 1)
        # We also need to rotate the position angle by 90 degrees:
        theta += np.pi / 2
    # Finally, note that the "corrections" above are not mutually exclusive.
    # If a Sersic model has ellipticity > 2, then steps (2) and (3) are
    # applied successively.

    return a, ellip, theta

class ConvolvedSersic2D(models.Sersic2D):
    Sersic2D model convolved with a PSF (provided by the user as a
    numpy array).

    See Also

    psf = None

    def set_psf(self, psf):
        Specify the PSF to be convolved with the Sersic2D model.
        self.psf = psf / np.sum(psf)  # make sure it's normalized

    def evaluate(self, x, y, amplitude, r_eff, n, x_0, y_0, ellip, theta):
        Evaluate the ConvolvedSersic2D model.
        z = models.Sersic2D.evaluate(
            x, y, amplitude, r_eff, n, x_0, y_0, ellip, theta)
        if self.psf is None:
            raise AssertionError('Must specify PSF using set_psf method.')

        return scipy.signal.fftconvolve(z, self.psf, mode='same')

class DoubleSersic2D(Fittable2DModel):
    Custom class for a double 2D Sersic model. Note that the two
    components share the same center.
    # Shared center
    x_0 = Parameter(default=0)
    y_0 = Parameter(default=0)
    # First component
    amplitude_1 = Parameter(default=1)
    r_eff_1 = Parameter(default=1)
    n_1 = Parameter(default=4)  # de Vaucouleurs
    ellip_1 = Parameter(default=0)
    theta_1 = Parameter(default=0)
    # Second component
    amplitude_2 = Parameter(default=1)
    r_eff_2 = Parameter(default=1)
    n_2 = Parameter(default=1)  # exponential
    ellip_2 = Parameter(default=0)
    theta_2 = Parameter(default=0)

    def evaluate(cls, x, y, x_0, y_0,
                 amplitude_1, r_eff_1, n_1, ellip_1, theta_1,
                 amplitude_2, r_eff_2, n_2, ellip_2, theta_2):
        Evaluate the DoubleSersic2D model.
        return (
                x, y, amplitude_1, r_eff_1, n_1, x_0, y_0, ellip_1, theta_1)
            + models.Sersic2D.evaluate(
                x, y, amplitude_2, r_eff_2, n_2, x_0, y_0, ellip_2, theta_2)

class ConvolvedDoubleSersic2D(DoubleSersic2D):
    DoubleSersic2D model convolved with a PSF (provided by the user
    as a numpy array).
    psf = None

    def set_psf(self, psf):
        Specify the PSF to be convolved with the DoubleSersic2D model.
        self.psf = psf / np.sum(psf)  # make sure it's normalized

    def evaluate(self, x, y, x_0, y_0,
                 amplitude_1, r_eff_1, n_1, ellip_1, theta_1,
                 amplitude_2, r_eff_2, n_2, ellip_2, theta_2):
        Evaluate the ConvolvedDoubleSersic2D model.
        z = DoubleSersic2D.evaluate(
            x, y, x_0, y_0,
            amplitude_1, r_eff_1, n_1, ellip_1, theta_1,
            amplitude_2, r_eff_2, n_2, ellip_2, theta_2)
        if self.psf is None:
            raise AssertionError('Must specify PSF using set_psf method.')

        return scipy.signal.fftconvolve(z, self.psf, mode='same')

[docs] class SourceMorphology(object): """ Class to measure the morphological parameters of a single labeled source. The parameters can be accessed as attributes or keys. Parameters ---------- image : array-like A 2D image containing the sources of interest. The image must already be background-subtracted. segmap : array-like (int) or ``photutils.segmentation.SegmentationImage`` A 2D segmentation map where different sources are labeled with different positive integer values. A value of zero is reserved for the background. It is assumed that the sum of pixel values within each labeled segment is positive. label : int A label indicating the source of interest. mask : array-like (bool), optional A 2D array with the same size as ``image``, where pixels set to ``True`` are ignored from all calculations. weightmap : array-like, optional Also known as the "sigma" image, this is a 2D array with the same size and units as ``image`` that contains one standard deviation of the value at each pixel (which is related to the Poisson noise). Note that SExtractor and other software sometimes produce a weight map in units of the variance (RMS^2) or the inverse variance (1/RMS^2). gain : scalar, optional A multiplication factor that converts the image units into electrons/pixel, which is used internally to calculate the weight map (i.e., the sigma-image) using Poisson statistics. This parameter is only used when ``weightmap`` is not provided. psf : array-like, optional A 2D array representing the PSF, where the central pixel corresponds to the center of the PSF. Typically, including this keyword argument will make the code run slower by a factor of a few, depending on the size of the PSF, but the resulting Sersic fits will be more correct. cutout_extent : float, optional The target fractional size of the data cutout relative to the minimal bounding box containing the source. The value must be >= 1. min_cutout_size : int, optional The minimum size of the cutout, in case ``cutout_extent`` times the size of the minimal bounding box is smaller than this. Any given value will be truncated to an even number. n_sigma_outlier : scalar, optional The number of standard deviations that define a pixel as an outlier, relative to its 8 neighbors. Outlying pixels are removed as described in Lotz et al. (2004). If the value is zero or negative, outliers are not removed. The default value is 10. annulus_width : float, optional The width (in pixels) of the annuli used to calculate the Petrosian radius and other quantities. The default value is 1.0. eta : float, optional The Petrosian ``eta`` parameter used to define the Petrosian radius. For a circular or elliptical aperture at the Petrosian radius, the mean flux at the edge of the aperture divided by the mean flux within the aperture is equal to ``eta``. The default value is typically set to 0.2 (Petrosian 1976). petro_fraction_gini : float, optional In the Gini calculation, this is the fraction of the Petrosian "radius" used as a smoothing scale in order to define the pixels that belong to the galaxy. The default value is 0.2. skybox_size : int, optional The target size (in pixels) of the "skybox" used to characterize the sky background. petro_extent_cas : float, optional The radius of the circular aperture used for the asymmetry calculation, in units of the circular Petrosian radius. The default value is 1.5. petro_fraction_cas : float, optional In the CAS calculations, this is the fraction of the Petrosian radius used as a smoothing scale. The default value is 0.25. boxcar_size_mid : float, optional In the MID calculations, this is the size (in pixels) of the constant kernel used to regularize the MID segmap. The default value is 3.0. niter_bh_mid : int, optional When calculating the multimode statistic, this is the number of iterations in the basin-hopping stage of the maximization. A value of at least 100 is recommended for "production" runs, but it can be time-consuming. The default value is 5. sigma_mid : float, optional In the MID calculations, this is the smoothing scale (in pixels) used to compute the intensity (I) statistic. The default is 1.0. petro_extent_flux : float, optional The number of Petrosian radii used to define the aperture over which the flux is measured. This is also used to define the inner "radius" of the elliptical aperture used to estimate the sky background in the shape asymmetry calculation. Following SDSS, the default value is 2.0. boxcar_size_shape_asym : float, optional When calculating the shape asymmetry segmap, this is the size (in pixels) of the constant kernel used to regularize the segmap. The default value is 3.0. sersic_fitting_args : dict, optional A dictionary of keyword arguments passed to Astropy's `LevMarLSQFitter`, which cannot include ``z`` or ``weights`` (these are handled internally by statmorph). sersic_model_args : dict, optional A dictionary of keyword arguments passed to Astropy's `Sersic2D`. Note that, by default, statmorph will make reasonable initial guesses for all the model parameters (recommended), although this functionality can be overridden for more customized fits. Also note that, by default, statmorph imposes a lower bound of n = 0.01 for the fitted Sersic index. sersic_maxiter : int, optional Deprecated. Please use ``sersic_fitting_args`` instead. include_doublesersic : bool, optional If ``True``, also fit a double 2D Sersic model. The default is ``False``. doublesersic_rsep_over_rhalf : float, optional This specifies the "boundary" used to separate the inner and outer regions of the image, which are used to perform single Sersic fits and thus construct an initial guess for the double Sersic fit. This argument is provided as a multiple of the (non-parametric) half-light semimajor axis ``rhalf_ellip``. The default value is 2.0. doublesersic_tied_ellip : bool, optional If True, both components of the double Sersic model share the same ellipticity and position angle. The same effect could be achieved using doublesersic_model_args in combination with the 'tied' argument, although the syntax would be slightly more involved. The default value is ``False``. doublesersic_fitting_args : dict, optional Same as sersic_fitting_args, but for the double 2D Sersic fit. doublesersic_model_args : dict, optional Same as sersic_model_args, but for the double 2D Sersic fit. segmap_overlap_ratio : float, optional The minimum ratio (in order to have a "good" measurement) between the area of the intersection of the Gini and MID segmaps and the area of the largest of these two segmaps. verbose : bool, optional If ``True``, this prints various minor warnings (which do not result in "bad" measurements) during the calculations. The default value is ``False``. References ---------- See `README.rst` for a list of references. """ def __init__(self, image, segmap, label, mask=None, weightmap=None, gain=None, psf=None, cutout_extent=2.5, min_cutout_size=48, n_sigma_outlier=10, annulus_width=1.0, eta=0.2, petro_fraction_gini=0.2, skybox_size=32, petro_extent_cas=1.5, petro_fraction_cas=0.25, boxcar_size_mid=3.0, niter_bh_mid=5, sigma_mid=1.0, petro_extent_flux=2.0, boxcar_size_shape_asym=3.0, sersic_fitting_args=None, sersic_model_args=None, sersic_maxiter=None, include_doublesersic=False, doublesersic_rsep_over_rhalf=2.0, doublesersic_tied_ellip=False, doublesersic_fitting_args=None, doublesersic_model_args=None, segmap_overlap_ratio=0.25, verbose=False): self._image = image self._segmap = segmap self.label = label self._mask = mask self._weightmap = weightmap self._gain = gain self._psf = psf self._cutout_extent = cutout_extent self._min_cutout_size = min_cutout_size - min_cutout_size % 2 self._n_sigma_outlier = n_sigma_outlier self._annulus_width = annulus_width self._eta = eta self._petro_fraction_gini = petro_fraction_gini self._skybox_size = skybox_size self._petro_extent_cas = petro_extent_cas self._petro_fraction_cas = petro_fraction_cas self._boxcar_size_mid = boxcar_size_mid self._niter_bh_mid = niter_bh_mid self._sigma_mid = sigma_mid self._petro_extent_flux = petro_extent_flux self._boxcar_size_shape_asym = boxcar_size_shape_asym self._sersic_fitting_args = sersic_fitting_args self._sersic_model_args = sersic_model_args self._sersic_maxiter = sersic_maxiter self._include_doublesersic = include_doublesersic self._doublesersic_rsep_over_rhalf = doublesersic_rsep_over_rhalf self._doublesersic_tied_ellip = doublesersic_tied_ellip self._doublesersic_fitting_args = doublesersic_fitting_args self._doublesersic_model_args = doublesersic_model_args self._segmap_overlap_ratio = segmap_overlap_ratio self._verbose = verbose # Measure runtime start = time.time() if not isinstance(self._segmap, photutils.segmentation.SegmentationImage): self._segmap = photutils.segmentation.SegmentationImage(self._segmap) # Check sanity of input data self._segmap.check_labels([self.label]) assert == self._image.shape if self._mask is not None: assert self._mask.shape == self._image.shape assert self._mask.dtype == np.bool_ if self._weightmap is not None: assert self._weightmap.shape == self._image.shape if self._weightmap is None and self._gain is None: raise AssertionError('Must provide either weightmap or gain.') # These flags will be modified during the calculations: self.flag = 0 # attempts to flag bad measurements (0-4) self.flag_sersic = 0 # attempts to flag bad Sersic fits (0 or 1) if self._include_doublesersic: self.flag_doublesersic = 0 # flag bad double Sersic fits (0 or 1) # Check that the labeled galaxy segment has a positive flux sum. # If not, this is bad enough to abort all calculations and return # an empty object. if np.sum(self._cutout_stamp_maskzeroed_no_bg) <= 0: warnings.warn('Total flux is nonpositive. Returning empty object.', AstropyUserWarning) self._abort_calculations() return # Centroid of the source relative to the "postage stamp" cutout: self._xc_stamp = self.xc_centroid - self.xmin_stamp self._yc_stamp = self.yc_centroid - self.ymin_stamp # Print warning if centroid is masked: ic, jc = int(self._yc_stamp), int(self._xc_stamp) if self._cutout_stamp_maskzeroed[ic, jc] == 0: warnings.warn('Centroid is masked.', AstropyUserWarning) self.flag = 2 # Position of the source's brightest pixel relative to the stamp cutout: maxval = np.max(self._cutout_stamp_maskzeroed_no_bg) maxval_stamp_pos = np.argwhere(self._cutout_stamp_maskzeroed_no_bg == maxval)[0] self._x_maxval_stamp = maxval_stamp_pos[1] self._y_maxval_stamp = maxval_stamp_pos[0] # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # NOTE: most morphology calculations have not been performed yet, but # this will change below this line. Modify this __init__ with care. # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # For simplicity, evaluate all "lazy" properties at once: self._calculate_morphology() # Check if image is background-subtracted; set flag = 2 (bad) if not. if np.abs(self.sky_mean) > self.sky_sigma: warnings.warn('Image is not background-subtracted.', AstropyUserWarning) self.flag = 2 # Check segmaps and set flag = 1 (suspect) if they are very different self._check_segmaps() # Save runtime self.runtime = time.time() - start def __getitem__(self, key): return getattr(self, key) def _get_badpixels(self, image): """ Detect outliers (bad pixels) as described in Lotz et al. (2004). Notes ----- ndi.generic_filter(image, np.std, ...) is too slow, so we do a workaround using ndi.convolve. """ # Pixel weights, excluding central pixel. w = np.array([ [1, 1, 1], [1, 0, 1], [1, 1, 1]], dtype=image.dtype) w = w / np.sum(w) # Use the fact that var(x) = <x^2> - <x>^2. local_mean = convolve(image, w, boundary='extend', normalize_kernel=False) local_mean2 = convolve(image**2, w, boundary='extend', normalize_kernel=False) local_std = np.sqrt(local_mean2 - local_mean**2) # Get "bad pixels" badpixels = (np.abs(image - local_mean) > self._n_sigma_outlier * local_std) return badpixels def _abort_calculations(self): """ Some cases are so bad that basically nothing can be measured (e.g. a bunch of pixels with a nonpositive total sum). We deal with these cases by creating an "empty" object and interrupting the constructor. """ for q in _quantity_names: setattr(self, q, -99.0) self.nx_stamp = -99 self.ny_stamp = -99 self.flag = 4 # catastrophic self.flag_sersic = 4 self.runtime = -99.0 self.sersic_runtime = -99.0 if self._include_doublesersic: self.flag_doublesersic = 4 self.doublesersic_runtime = -99.0 def _calculate_morphology(self): """ Calculate morphological parameters and store them as "lazy" properties. """ for q in _quantity_names: _ = self[q] if self._include_doublesersic: for q in _doublesersic_quantity_names: _ = self[q] def _check_segmaps(self): """ Compare Gini segmap and MID segmap; set flag = 1 (suspect) if they are very different from each other. """ area_max = max(np.sum(self._segmap_gini), np.sum(self._segmap_mid)) area_overlap = np.sum(self._segmap_gini & self._segmap_mid) if area_max == 0: warnings.warn('Segmaps are empty!', AstropyUserWarning) self.flag = 2 # bad return area_ratio = area_overlap / float(area_max) if area_ratio < self._segmap_overlap_ratio: if self._verbose: warnings.warn('Gini and MID segmaps are quite different.', AstropyUserWarning) self.flag = max(self.flag, 1) # suspect @lazyproperty def _centroid(self): """ The (xc, yc) centroid of the input segment, relative to ``_slice_stamp``. """ image = np.float64(self._cutout_stamp_maskzeroed_no_bg) # skimage wants double # Calculate centroid M = skimage.measure.moments(image, order=1) assert M[0, 0] > 0 # already checked by constructor yc = M[1, 0] / M[0, 0] xc = M[0, 1] / M[0, 0] ny, nx = self._cutout_stamp_maskzeroed_no_bg.shape if (yc < 0) or (yc >= ny) or (xc < 0) or (xc >= nx): warnings.warn('Centroid is out-of-range. Fixing at center of ' + 'postage stamp (bad!).', AstropyUserWarning) yc = ny / 2.0 xc = nx / 2.0 self.flag = 2 return np.array([xc, yc]) @lazyproperty def xc_centroid(self): """ The x-coordinate of the centroid, relative to the original image. """ return self._centroid[0] + self.xmin_stamp @lazyproperty def yc_centroid(self): """ The y-coordinate of the centroid, relative to the original image. """ return self._centroid[1] + self.ymin_stamp def _covariance_generic(self, xc, yc): """ The covariance matrix of a Gaussian function that has the same second-order moments as the source, with respect to ``(xc, yc)``. """ # skimage wants double precision: image = np.float64(self._cutout_stamp_maskzeroed_no_bg) # Calculate moments w.r.t. given center xc = xc - self.xmin_stamp yc = yc - self.ymin_stamp Mc = skimage.measure.moments_central(image, center=(yc, xc), order=2) assert Mc[0, 0] > 0 covariance = np.array([ [Mc[0, 2], Mc[1, 1]], [Mc[1, 1], Mc[2, 0]]]) covariance /= Mc[0, 0] # normalize # If there are nonpositive second moments, we deal with them, # but we indicate that there's something wrong with the data. if (covariance[0, 0] <= 0) or (covariance[1, 1] <= 0): warnings.warn('Nonpositive second moment.', AstropyUserWarning) self.flag = 2 # Modify covariance matrix in case of "infinitely thin" sources # by iteratively increasing the diagonal elements (see SExtractor # manual, eq. 43). Note that we allow negative moments. rho = 1.0 / 12.0 # variance of 1 pixel-wide top-hat distribution x2, xy, xy, y2 = covariance.flat while np.abs(x2*y2 - xy**2) < rho**2: x2 += (x2 >= 0) * rho - (x2 < 0) * rho # np.sign(0) == 0 is no good y2 += (y2 >= 0) * rho - (y2 < 0) * rho covariance = np.array([[x2, xy], [xy, y2]]) return covariance def _eigvals_generic(self, covariance): """ The ordered (largest first) eigenvalues of the covariance matrix, which correspond to the *squared* semimajor and semiminor axes. Note that we allow negative eigenvalues. """ eigvals = np.linalg.eigvals(covariance) eigvals = np.sort(np.abs(eigvals))[::-1] # largest first (by abs. value) # We deal with negative eigenvalues, but we indicate that something # is not OK with the data (eigenvalues cannot be exactly zero after # the SExtractor-like regularization routine). if np.any(eigvals < 0): warnings.warn('Some negative eigenvalues.', AstropyUserWarning) self.flag = 2 return eigvals @staticmethod def _ellipticity_generic(eigvals): """ The ellipticity of (the Gaussian function that has the same second-order moments as) the source. Note that we allow negative eigenvalues. """ a = np.sqrt(np.abs(eigvals[0])) b = np.sqrt(np.abs(eigvals[1])) return 1.0 - (b / a) @staticmethod def _elongation_generic(eigvals): """ The elongation of (the Gaussian function that has the same second-order moments as) the source. Note that we allow negative eigenvalues. """ a = np.sqrt(np.abs(eigvals[0])) b = np.sqrt(np.abs(eigvals[1])) return a / b @staticmethod def _orientation_generic(covariance): """ The orientation (in radians) of the source. """ x2, xy, xy, y2 = covariance.flat # SExtractor manual, eq. (21): theta = 0.5 * np.arctan2(2.0 * xy, x2 - y2) return theta @lazyproperty def _covariance_centroid(self): """ The covariance matrix of a Gaussian function that has the same second-order moments as the source, with respect to the centroid. """ return self._covariance_generic(self.xc_centroid, self.yc_centroid) @lazyproperty def _eigvals_centroid(self): """ The ordered (largest first) eigenvalues of the covariance matrix, which correspond to the *squared* semimajor and semiminor axes, relative to the centroid. """ return self._eigvals_generic(self._covariance_centroid) @lazyproperty def ellipticity_centroid(self): """ The ellipticity of (the Gaussian function that has the same second-order moments as) the source, relative to the centroid. """ return self._ellipticity_generic(self._eigvals_centroid) @lazyproperty def elongation_centroid(self): """ The elongation of (the Gaussian function that has the same second-order moments as) the source, relative to the centroid. """ return self._elongation_generic(self._eigvals_centroid) @lazyproperty def orientation_centroid(self): """ The orientation (in radians) of the source, relative to the centroid. """ return self._orientation_generic(self._covariance_centroid) @lazyproperty def _slice_stamp(self): """ Attempt to create a square slice that is somewhat larger than the minimal bounding box containing the labeled segment. Note that the cutout may not be square when the source is close to a border of the original image. """ assert self._cutout_extent >= 1.0 assert self._min_cutout_size >= 2 # Get dimensions of original bounding box s = self._segmap.slices[self._segmap.get_index(self.label)] xmin, xmax = s[1].start, s[1].stop - 1 ymin, ymax = s[0].start, s[0].stop - 1 dx, dy = xmax + 1 - xmin, ymax + 1 - ymin xc, yc = xmin + dx//2, ymin + dy//2 # Add some extra space in each dimension dist = int(max(dx, dy) * self._cutout_extent / 2.0) # Make sure that cutout size is at least ``min_cutout_size`` dist = max(dist, self._min_cutout_size // 2) # Make cutout ny, nx = self._image.shape slice_stamp = (slice(max(0, yc-dist), min(ny, yc+dist)), slice(max(0, xc-dist), min(nx, xc+dist))) return slice_stamp @lazyproperty def xmin_stamp(self): """ The minimum ``x`` position of the 'postage stamp'. """ return self._slice_stamp[1].start @lazyproperty def ymin_stamp(self): """ The minimum ``y`` position of the 'postage stamp'. """ return self._slice_stamp[0].start @lazyproperty def xmax_stamp(self): """ The maximum ``x`` position of the 'postage stamp'. """ return self._slice_stamp[1].stop - 1 @lazyproperty def ymax_stamp(self): """ The maximum ``y`` position of the 'postage stamp'. """ return self._slice_stamp[0].stop - 1 @lazyproperty def nx_stamp(self): """ Number of pixels in the 'postage stamp' along the ``x`` direction. """ return self.xmax_stamp + 1 - self.xmin_stamp @lazyproperty def ny_stamp(self): """ Number of pixels in the 'postage stamp' along the ``y`` direction. """ return self.ymax_stamp + 1 - self.ymin_stamp @lazyproperty def _mask_stamp(self): """ Create a total binary mask for the "postage stamp". Pixels belonging to other sources (as well as pixels masked using the ``mask`` keyword argument) are set to ``True``, but the background (segmap == 0) is left alone. """ # Flag any NaN or inf values within the postage stamp. mask_stamp_nan = ~np.isfinite(self._image[self._slice_stamp]) if self._weightmap is not None: mask_stamp_nan |= ~np.isfinite(self._weightmap[self._slice_stamp]) # Flag bad pixels (outliers). self.num_badpixels = -1 mask_stamp_badpixels = np.zeros( (self.ny_stamp, self.nx_stamp), dtype=np.bool_) if self._n_sigma_outlier > 0: mask_stamp_badpixels = self._get_badpixels( self._image[self._slice_stamp]) self.num_badpixels = np.sum(mask_stamp_badpixels) segmap_stamp =[self._slice_stamp] mask_stamp = (segmap_stamp != 0) & (segmap_stamp != self.label) if self._mask is not None: mask_stamp |= self._mask[self._slice_stamp] mask_stamp |= mask_stamp_nan mask_stamp |= mask_stamp_badpixels return mask_stamp @lazyproperty def _mask_stamp_no_bg(self): """ Similar to ``_mask_stamp``, but also mask the background. """ segmap_stamp =[self._slice_stamp] return self._mask_stamp | (segmap_stamp == 0) @lazyproperty def _cutout_stamp_maskzeroed(self): """ Return a data cutout with its shape and position determined by ``_slice_stamp``. Pixels belonging to other sources (as well as pixels where ``mask`` == 1) are set to zero, but the background is left alone. In addition, NaN or inf values are removed at this point, as well as badpixels (outliers). """ return np.where(~self._mask_stamp, self._image[self._slice_stamp], 0.0) @lazyproperty def _cutout_stamp_maskzeroed_no_bg(self): """ Like ``_cutout_stamp_maskzeroed``, but also mask the background. """ return np.where(~self._mask_stamp_no_bg, self._image[self._slice_stamp], 0.0) @lazyproperty def _weightmap_stamp(self): """ Return a cutout of the weight map over the "postage stamp" region. If a weightmap is not provided as input, it is created using the ``gain`` argument. """ if self._weightmap is None: # Already checked that gain is not None: assert self._gain > 0 weightmap_stamp = np.sqrt( np.abs(self._image[self._slice_stamp])/self._gain + self.sky_sigma**2) else: weightmap_stamp = self._weightmap[self._slice_stamp] weightmap_stamp[self._mask_stamp] = 0.0 return weightmap_stamp @lazyproperty def _sorted_pixelvals_stamp_no_bg(self): """ The sorted pixel values of the (zero-masked) postage stamp, excluding masked values and the background. """ return np.sort(self._cutout_stamp_maskzeroed[~self._mask_stamp_no_bg]) @lazyproperty def _cutout_stamp_maskzeroed_no_bg_nonnegative(self): """ Same as ``_cutout_stamp_maskzeroed_no_bg``, but masking negative pixels. """ image = self._cutout_stamp_maskzeroed_no_bg return np.where(image > 0, image, 0.0) @lazyproperty def _sorted_pixelvals_stamp_no_bg_nonnegative(self): """ Same as ``_sorted_pixelvals_stamp_no_bg``, but masking negative pixels. """ image = self._cutout_stamp_maskzeroed_no_bg_nonnegative return np.sort(image[~self._mask_stamp_no_bg]) @lazyproperty def _diagonal_distance(self): """ Return the diagonal distance (in pixels) of the postage stamp. This is used as an upper bound in some calculations. """ ny, nx = self._cutout_stamp_maskzeroed.shape return np.sqrt(nx**2 + ny**2) def _petrosian_function_circ(self, r, center): """ Helper function to calculate the circular Petrosian radius. For a given radius ``r``, return the ratio of the mean flux over a circular annulus divided by the mean flux within the circle, minus "eta" (eq. 4 from Lotz et al. 2004). The root of this function is the Petrosian radius. """ image = self._cutout_stamp_maskzeroed r_in = r - 0.5 * self._annulus_width r_out = r + 0.5 * self._annulus_width circ_annulus = photutils.aperture.CircularAnnulus(center, r_in, r_out) circ_aperture = photutils.aperture.CircularAperture(center, r) # Force mean fluxes to be positive: circ_annulus_mean_flux = np.abs(_aperture_mean_nomask( circ_annulus, image, method='exact')) circ_aperture_mean_flux = np.abs(_aperture_mean_nomask( circ_aperture, image, method='exact')) if circ_aperture_mean_flux == 0: warnings.warn('[rpetro_circ] Mean flux is zero.', AstropyUserWarning) # If flux within annulus is also zero (e.g. beyond the image # boundaries), return zero. Otherwise return 1.0: ratio = float(circ_annulus_mean_flux != 0) self.flag = 2 else: ratio = circ_annulus_mean_flux / circ_aperture_mean_flux return ratio - self._eta def _rpetro_circ_generic(self, center): """ Compute the Petrosian radius for concentric circular apertures. Notes ----- The so-called "curve of growth" is not always monotonic, e.g., when there is a bright, unlabeled and unmasked secondary source in the image, so we cannot just apply a root-finding algorithm over the full interval. Instead, we proceed in two stages: first we do a coarse, brute-force search for an appropriate interval (that contains a root), and then we apply the root-finder. """ # Find appropriate range for root finder npoints = 100 r_inner = self._annulus_width r_outer = self._diagonal_distance assert r_inner < r_outer r_min, r_max = None, None for r in np.linspace(r_inner, r_outer, npoints): curval = self._petrosian_function_circ(r, center) if curval == 0: warnings.warn('[rpetro_circ] Found rpetro by chance?', AstropyUserWarning) return r elif curval > 0: # we have not reached rpetro yet r_min = r else: # we are beyond rpetro if r_min is None: warnings.warn('rpetro_circ < annulus_width! ' + 'Setting rpetro_circ = annulus_width.', AstropyUserWarning) self.flag = 2 return r_inner r_max = r break assert r_min is not None if r_max is None: warnings.warn('[rpetro_circ] rpetro too large.', AstropyUserWarning) self.flag = 2 r_max = r_outer rpetro_circ = opt.brentq(self._petrosian_function_circ, r_min, r_max, args=(center,), xtol=1e-6) return rpetro_circ @lazyproperty def _rpetro_circ_centroid(self): """ Calculate the Petrosian radius with respect to the centroid. This is only used as a preliminary value for the asymmetry calculation. """ center = np.array([self._xc_stamp, self._yc_stamp]) return self._rpetro_circ_generic(center) @lazyproperty def rpetro_circ(self): """ Calculate the Petrosian radius with respect to the point that minimizes the asymmetry. """ return self._rpetro_circ_generic(self._asymmetry_center) @lazyproperty def flux_circ(self): """ Return the sum of the pixel values over a circular aperture with radius equal to ``petro_extent_flux`` (usually 2) times the circular Petrosian radius. """ image = self._cutout_stamp_maskzeroed r = self._petro_extent_flux * self.rpetro_circ ap = photutils.aperture.CircularAperture(self._asymmetry_center, r) # Force flux sum to be positive: ap_sum = np.abs(ap.do_photometry(image, method='exact')[0][0]) return ap_sum def _petrosian_function_ellip(self, a, center, elongation, theta): """ Helper function to calculate the Petrosian "radius". For the ellipse with semi-major axis ``a``, return the ratio of the mean flux over an elliptical annulus divided by the mean flux within the ellipse, minus "eta" (eq. 4 from Lotz et al. 2004). The root of this function is the Petrosian "radius". """ image = self._cutout_stamp_maskzeroed b = a / elongation a_in = a - 0.5 * self._annulus_width a_out = a + 0.5 * self._annulus_width b_out = a_out / elongation ellip_annulus = photutils.aperture.EllipticalAnnulus( center, a_in, a_out, b_out, theta=theta) ellip_aperture = photutils.aperture.EllipticalAperture( center, a, b, theta=theta) # Force mean fluxes to be positive: ellip_annulus_mean_flux = np.abs(_aperture_mean_nomask( ellip_annulus, image, method='exact')) ellip_aperture_mean_flux = np.abs(_aperture_mean_nomask( ellip_aperture, image, method='exact')) if ellip_aperture_mean_flux == 0: warnings.warn('[rpetro_ellip] Mean flux is zero.', AstropyUserWarning) # If flux within annulus is also zero (e.g. beyond the image # boundaries), return zero. Otherwise return 1.0: ratio = float(ellip_annulus_mean_flux != 0) self.flag = 2 else: ratio = ellip_annulus_mean_flux / ellip_aperture_mean_flux return ratio - self._eta def _rpetro_ellip_generic(self, center, elongation, theta): """ Compute the Petrosian "radius" (actually the semi-major axis) for concentric elliptical apertures. Notes ----- The so-called "curve of growth" is not always monotonic, e.g., when there is a bright, unlabeled and unmasked secondary source in the image, so we cannot just apply a root-finding algorithm over the full interval. Instead, we proceed in two stages: first we do a coarse, brute-force search for an appropriate interval (that contains a root), and then we apply the root-finder. """ # Find appropriate range for root finder npoints = 100 a_inner = self._annulus_width a_outer = self._diagonal_distance * elongation assert a_inner < a_outer a_min, a_max = None, None for a in np.linspace(a_inner, a_outer, npoints): curval = self._petrosian_function_ellip(a, center, elongation, theta) if curval == 0: warnings.warn('[rpetro_ellip] Found rpetro by chance?', AstropyUserWarning) return a elif curval > 0: # we have not reached rpetro yet a_min = a else: # we are beyond rpetro if a_min is None: warnings.warn('rpetro_ellip < annulus_width! ' + 'Setting rpetro_ellip = annulus_width.', AstropyUserWarning) self.flag = 2 return a_inner a_max = a break assert a_min is not None if a_max is None: warnings.warn('[rpetro_ellip] rpetro too large.', AstropyUserWarning) self.flag = 2 a_max = a_outer rpetro_ellip = opt.brentq(self._petrosian_function_ellip, a_min, a_max, args=(center, elongation, theta,), xtol=1e-6) return rpetro_ellip @lazyproperty def rpetro_ellip(self): """ Return the elliptical Petrosian "radius", calculated with respect to the point that minimizes the asymmetry. """ return self._rpetro_ellip_generic( self._asymmetry_center, self.elongation_asymmetry, self.orientation_asymmetry) @lazyproperty def flux_ellip(self): """ Return the sum of the pixel values over an elliptical aperture with "radius" equal to ``petro_extent_flux`` (usually 2) times the elliptical Petrosian "radius". """ image = self._cutout_stamp_maskzeroed a = self._petro_extent_flux * self.rpetro_ellip b = a / self.elongation_asymmetry theta = self.orientation_asymmetry ap = photutils.aperture.EllipticalAperture( self._asymmetry_center, a, b, theta=theta) # Force flux sum to be positive: ap_sum = np.abs(ap.do_photometry(image, method='exact')[0][0]) return ap_sum ####################### # Gini-M20 statistics # ####################### @lazyproperty def _segmap_gini(self): """ Create a new segmentation map (relative to the "postage stamp") based on the elliptical Petrosian radius. """ # Smooth image petro_sigma = self._petro_fraction_gini * self.rpetro_ellip cutout_smooth = ndi.gaussian_filter(self._cutout_stamp_maskzeroed, petro_sigma) # Use mean flux at the Petrosian "radius" as threshold a_in = self.rpetro_ellip - 0.5 * self._annulus_width a_out = self.rpetro_ellip + 0.5 * self._annulus_width b_out = a_out / self.elongation_asymmetry theta = self.orientation_asymmetry ellip_annulus = photutils.aperture.EllipticalAnnulus( (self._xc_stamp, self._yc_stamp), a_in, a_out, b_out, theta=theta) ellip_annulus_mean_flux = _aperture_mean_nomask( ellip_annulus, cutout_smooth, method='exact') above_threshold = cutout_smooth >= ellip_annulus_mean_flux # Grow regions with 8-connected neighbor "footprint" s = ndi.generate_binary_structure(2, 2) labeled_array, num_features = ndi.label(above_threshold, structure=s) # In some rare cases (e.g., Pan-STARRS J020218.5+672123_g.fits.gz), # this results in an empty segmap, so there is nothing to do. if num_features == 0: warnings.warn('[segmap_gini] Empty Gini segmap!', AstropyUserWarning) self.flag = 2 # bad return above_threshold # In other cases (e.g., object 110 from CANDELS/GOODS-S WFC/F160W), # the Gini segmap occupies the entire image, which is also not OK. if np.sum(above_threshold) == cutout_smooth.size: warnings.warn('[segmap_gini] Full Gini segmap!', AstropyUserWarning) self.flag = 2 # bad return above_threshold # If more than one region, set flag = 1 (suspect) and # only keep the segment that contains the brightest pixel. if num_features > 1: if self._verbose: warnings.warn('[segmap_gini] Disjoint features in Gini segmap.', AstropyUserWarning) self.flag = max(self.flag, 1) # suspect ic, jc = np.argwhere(cutout_smooth == np.max(cutout_smooth))[0] assert labeled_array[ic, jc] != 0 segmap = labeled_array == labeled_array[ic, jc] else: segmap = above_threshold return segmap @lazyproperty def gini(self): """ Calculate the Gini coefficient as described in Lotz et al. (2004). """ image = self._cutout_stamp_maskzeroed.flatten() segmap = self._segmap_gini.flatten() sorted_pixelvals = np.sort(np.abs(image[segmap])) n = len(sorted_pixelvals) if n <= 1 or np.sum(sorted_pixelvals) == 0: warnings.warn('[gini] Not enough data for Gini calculation.', AstropyUserWarning) self.flag = 2 return -99.0 # invalid indices = np.arange(1, n+1) # start at i=1 gini = (np.sum((2*indices-n-1) * sorted_pixelvals) / (float(n-1) * np.sum(sorted_pixelvals))) return gini @lazyproperty def m20(self): """ Calculate the M_20 coefficient as described in Lotz et al. (2004). """ if np.sum(self._segmap_gini) == 0: return -99.0 # invalid # Use the same region as in the Gini calculation image = np.where(self._segmap_gini, self._cutout_stamp_maskzeroed, 0.0) image = np.float64(image) # skimage wants double # Calculate centroid M = skimage.measure.moments(image, order=1) if M[0, 0] <= 0: warnings.warn('[deviation] Nonpositive flux within Gini segmap.', AstropyUserWarning) self.flag = 2 return -99.0 # invalid yc = M[1, 0] / M[0, 0] xc = M[0, 1] / M[0, 0] # Calculate second total central moment Mc = skimage.measure.moments_central(image, center=(yc, xc), order=2) second_moment_tot = Mc[0, 2] + Mc[2, 0] # Calculate threshold pixel value sorted_pixelvals = np.sort(image.flatten()) flux_fraction = np.cumsum(sorted_pixelvals) / np.sum(sorted_pixelvals) sorted_pixelvals_20 = sorted_pixelvals[flux_fraction >= 0.8] if len(sorted_pixelvals_20) == 0: # This can happen when there are very few pixels. warnings.warn('[m20] Not enough data for M20 calculation.', AstropyUserWarning) self.flag = 2 return -99.0 # invalid threshold = sorted_pixelvals_20[0] # Calculate second moment of the brightest pixels image_20 = np.where(image >= threshold, image, 0.0) Mc_20 = skimage.measure.moments_central(image_20, center=(yc, xc), order=2) second_moment_20 = Mc_20[0, 2] + Mc_20[2, 0] if (second_moment_20 <= 0) | (second_moment_tot <= 0): warnings.warn('[m20] Negative second moment(s).', AstropyUserWarning) self.flag = 2 m20 = -99.0 # invalid else: m20 = np.log10(second_moment_20 / second_moment_tot) return m20 @lazyproperty def gini_m20_bulge(self): """ Return the Gini-M20 bulge statistic, F(G, M20), as defined in Rodriguez-Gomez et al. (2019). """ if (self.gini == -99.0) or (self.m20 == -99.0): return -99.0 # invalid return -0.693*self.m20 + 4.95*self.gini - 3.96 @lazyproperty def gini_m20_merger(self): """ Return the Gini-M20 merger statistic, S(G, M20), as defined in Rodriguez-Gomez et al. (2019). """ if (self.gini == -99.0) or (self.m20 == -99.0): return -99.0 # invalid return 0.139*self.m20 + 0.990*self.gini - 0.327 # @lazyproperty # def sn_per_pixel(self): # """ # Calculate the signal-to-noise per pixel using the Petrosian segmap. # """ # weightmap = self._weightmap_stamp # if np.any(weightmap < 0): # warnings.warn('[sn_per_pixel] Some negative weightmap values.', # AstropyUserWarning) # weightmap = np.abs(weightmap) # # locs = self._segmap_gini & (self._cutout_stamp_maskzeroed >= 0) # pixelvals = self._cutout_stamp_maskzeroed[locs] # # The sky background noise is already included in the weightmap: # snp = np.mean(pixelvals / weightmap[locs]) # # if not np.isfinite(snp): # warnings.warn('Invalid sn_per_pixel.', AstropyUserWarning) # self.flag = 2 # snp = -99.0 # invalid # # return snp @lazyproperty def sn_per_pixel(self): """ Calculate the signal-to-noise per pixel using the Petrosian segmap. """ weightmap = self._weightmap_stamp if np.any(weightmap < 0): warnings.warn('[sn_per_pixel] Some negative weightmap values.', AstropyUserWarning) weightmap = np.abs(weightmap) locs = (self._segmap_gini & (self._cutout_stamp_maskzeroed >= 0) & (weightmap > 0)) if np.sum(locs) == 0: warnings.warn('Invalid sn_per_pixel.', AstropyUserWarning) self.flag = 2 snp = -99.0 # invalid else: pixelvals = self._cutout_stamp_maskzeroed[locs] # The sky background noise is already included in the weightmap: snp = np.mean(pixelvals / weightmap[locs]) return snp ################## # CAS statistics # ################## @lazyproperty def _slice_skybox(self): """ Try to find a region of the sky that only contains background. In principle, a more accurate approach is possible (e.g. Shi et al. 2009, ApJ, 697, 1764). """ segmap =[self._slice_stamp] ny, nx = segmap.shape mask = np.zeros(segmap.shape, dtype=np.bool_) if self._mask is not None: mask = self._mask[self._slice_stamp] assert self._skybox_size >= 2 cur_skybox_size = self._skybox_size while True: for i in range(0, ny - cur_skybox_size): for j in range(0, nx - cur_skybox_size): boxslice = (slice(i, i + cur_skybox_size), slice(j, j + cur_skybox_size)) if np.all(segmap[boxslice] == 0) and np.all(~mask[boxslice]): return boxslice # If we got here, a skybox of the given size was not found. if cur_skybox_size <= 2: warnings.warn('[skybox] Skybox not found.', AstropyUserWarning) self.flag = 2 return slice(0, 0), slice(0, 0) else: cur_skybox_size //= 2 if self._verbose: warnings.warn('[skybox] Reducing skybox size to %d.' % ( cur_skybox_size), AstropyUserWarning) @lazyproperty def sky_mean(self): """ Mean background value. Equal to -99.0 when there is no skybox. """ bkg = self._cutout_stamp_maskzeroed[self._slice_skybox] if bkg.size == 0: assert self.flag == 2 return -99.0 return np.mean(bkg) @lazyproperty def sky_median(self): """ Median background value. Equal to -99.0 when there is no skybox. """ bkg = self._cutout_stamp_maskzeroed[self._slice_skybox] if bkg.size == 0: assert self.flag == 2 return -99.0 return np.median(bkg) @lazyproperty def sky_sigma(self): """ Standard deviation of the background. Equal to -99.0 when there is no skybox. """ bkg = self._cutout_stamp_maskzeroed[self._slice_skybox] if bkg.size == 0: assert self.flag == 2 return -99.0 return np.std(bkg) @lazyproperty def _sky_asymmetry(self): """ Asymmetry of the background. Equal to -99.0 when there is no skybox. Note the peculiar normalization (for reference only). """ bkg = self._cutout_stamp_maskzeroed[self._slice_skybox] bkg_180 = bkg[::-1, ::-1] if bkg.size == 0: assert self.flag == 2 return -99.0 return np.sum(np.abs(bkg_180 - bkg)) / float(bkg.size) @lazyproperty def _sky_smoothness(self): """ Smoothness of the background. Equal to -99.0 when there is no skybox. Note the peculiar normalization (for reference only). """ bkg = self._cutout_stamp_maskzeroed[self._slice_skybox] if bkg.size == 0: assert self.flag == 2 return -99.0 # If the smoothing "boxcar" is larger than the skybox itself, # this just sets all values equal to the mean: boxcar_size = int(self._petro_fraction_cas * self.rpetro_circ) bkg_smooth = ndi.uniform_filter(bkg, size=boxcar_size) bkg_diff = bkg - bkg_smooth bkg_diff[bkg_diff < 0] = 0.0 # set negative pixels to zero return np.sum(bkg_diff) / float(bkg.size) def _asymmetry_function(self, center, image, kind): """ Helper function to determine the asymmetry and center of asymmetry. The idea is to minimize the output of this function. Parameters ---------- center : tuple or array-like The (x,y) position of the center. image : array-like The 2D image. kind : {'cas', 'rms', 'outer', 'shape'} Whether to calculate the traditional CAS asymmetry (default), RMS asymmetry, outer asymmetry, or shape asymmetry. Returns ------- asym : The asymmetry statistic for the given center. """ image = np.float64(image) # skimage wants double ny, nx = image.shape xc, yc = center if xc < 0 or xc >= nx or yc < 0 or yc >= ny: warnings.warn('[asym_center] Minimizer tried to exit bounds.', AstropyUserWarning) self.flag = 1 # Return large value to keep minimizer within range: return 100.0 # Rotate around given center image_180 = skimage.transform.rotate(image, 180.0, center=center) # Apply symmetric mask mask = self._mask_stamp.copy() mask_180 = skimage.transform.rotate(mask, 180.0, center=center) mask_180 = mask_180 >= 0.5 # convert back to bool mask_symmetric = mask | mask_180 image = np.where(~mask_symmetric, image, 0.0) image_180 = np.where(~mask_symmetric, image_180, 0.0) # Create aperture for the chosen kind of asymmetry if kind == 'cas' or kind == 'rms': r = self._petro_extent_cas * self._rpetro_circ_centroid ap = photutils.aperture.CircularAperture(center, r) elif kind == 'outer': a_in = self.rhalf_ellip a_out = self.rmax_ellip b_out = a_out / self.elongation_asymmetry theta = self.orientation_asymmetry assert (a_in > 0) & (a_out > 0) ap = photutils.aperture.EllipticalAnnulus(center, a_in, a_out, b_out, theta=theta) elif kind == 'shape': if np.isnan(self.rmax_circ) or (self.rmax_circ <= 0): warnings.warn('[shape_asym] Invalid rmax_circ value.', AstropyUserWarning) self.flag = 2 return -99.0 # invalid ap = photutils.aperture.CircularAperture(center, self.rmax_circ) else: raise NotImplementedError('Asymmetry kind not understood:', kind) # Aperture area (in pixels) ap_area = _aperture_area(ap, mask_symmetric) # Apply eq. 10 from Lotz et al. (2004) ap_abs_sum = ap.do_photometry(np.abs(image), method='exact')[0][0] ap_abs_diff = ap.do_photometry(np.abs(image_180-image), method='exact')[0][0] if ap_abs_sum == 0.0: warnings.warn('[asymmetry_function] Zero flux sum.', AstropyUserWarning) self.flag = 1 # Return large value to get minimizer out of masked region: return 100.0 if kind == 'shape': # The shape asymmetry of the background is zero asym = ap_abs_diff / ap_abs_sum elif kind == 'rms': # Apply eq. 27 from Sazonova et al. (2024) ap_sqr_sum = ap.do_photometry(image**2, method='exact')[0][0] ap_sqr_diff = ap.do_photometry((image_180-image)**2, method='exact')[0][0] if self.sky_sigma == -99.0: # invalid skybox asym = ap_sqr_diff / ap_sqr_sum else: asym = (ap_sqr_diff - 2*ap_area*self.sky_sigma**2) / ( ap_sqr_sum - ap_area*self.sky_sigma**2) else: if self._sky_asymmetry == -99.0: # invalid skybox asym = ap_abs_diff / ap_abs_sum else: asym = (ap_abs_diff - ap_area*self._sky_asymmetry) / ap_abs_sum return asym @lazyproperty def _asymmetry_center(self): """ Find the position of the central pixel (relative to the "postage stamp" cutout) that minimizes the (CAS) asymmetry. """ centroid = np.array([self._xc_stamp, self._yc_stamp]) # initial guess center_asym = opt.fmin(self._asymmetry_function, centroid, args=(self._cutout_stamp_maskzeroed, 'cas'), xtol=1e-6, disp=False) # If the asymmetry center drifted too far away from the centroid, # try again with the brightest pixel as the starting point. dist = self._petro_extent_cas * self._rpetro_circ_centroid if np.linalg.norm(center_asym - centroid) > dist: warnings.warn('Asymmetry center drifted too far away from the ' + 'centroid. Trying again with the brightest pixel.', AstropyUserWarning) self.flag = 1 center_brightest = np.array([self._x_maxval_stamp, self._y_maxval_stamp]) center_asym = opt.fmin(self._asymmetry_function, center_brightest, args=(self._cutout_stamp_maskzeroed, 'cas'), xtol=1e-6, disp=False) # If the asymmetry center again drifted too far, just # use the centroid and flip the bad measurement flag. if np.linalg.norm(center_asym - center_brightest) > dist: warnings.warn('Using centroid instead of asymmetry center.', AstropyUserWarning) self.flag = 2 center_asym = centroid # Print warning if center is masked ic, jc = int(center_asym[1]), int(center_asym[0]) if self._cutout_stamp_maskzeroed[ic, jc] == 0: warnings.warn('[asym_center] Asymmetry center is masked.', AstropyUserWarning) self.flag = 2 return center_asym @lazyproperty def xc_asymmetry(self): """ The x-coordinate of the point that minimizes the asymmetry, relative to the original image. """ return self.xmin_stamp + self._asymmetry_center[0] @lazyproperty def yc_asymmetry(self): """ The y-coordinate of the point that minimizes the asymmetry, relative to the original image. """ return self.ymin_stamp + self._asymmetry_center[1] @lazyproperty def _covariance_asymmetry(self): """ The covariance matrix of a Gaussian function that has the same second-order moments as the source, with respect to the point that minimizes the asymmetry. """ return self._covariance_generic(self.xc_asymmetry, self.yc_asymmetry) @lazyproperty def _eigvals_asymmetry(self): """ The ordered (largest first) eigenvalues of the covariance matrix, which correspond to the *squared* semimajor and semiminor axes, relative to the point that minimizes the asymmetry. """ return self._eigvals_generic(self._covariance_asymmetry) @lazyproperty def ellipticity_asymmetry(self): """ The ellipticity of (the Gaussian function that has the same second-order moments as) the source, relative to the point that minimizes the asymmetry. """ return self._ellipticity_generic(self._eigvals_asymmetry) @lazyproperty def elongation_asymmetry(self): """ The elongation of (the Gaussian function that has the same second-order moments as) the source, relative to the point that minimizes the asymmetry. """ return self._elongation_generic(self._eigvals_asymmetry) @lazyproperty def orientation_asymmetry(self): """ The orientation (in radians) of the source, relative to the point that minimizes the asymmetry. """ return self._orientation_generic(self._covariance_asymmetry) @lazyproperty def asymmetry(self): """ Calculate asymmetry as described in Lotz et al. (2004). """ image = self._cutout_stamp_maskzeroed asym = self._asymmetry_function(self._asymmetry_center, image, 'cas') return asym @lazyproperty def rms_asymmetry2(self): """ Calculate the RMS asymmetry as in eq. 27 of Sazonova et al. (2024). Note that this actually corresponds to the *square* of A_rms. """ image = self._cutout_stamp_maskzeroed asym = self._asymmetry_function(self._asymmetry_center, image, 'rms') return asym def _radius_at_fraction_of_total_cas(self, fraction): """ Specialization of ``_radius_at_fraction_of_total_circ`` for the CAS calculations. """ image = self._cutout_stamp_maskzeroed center = self._asymmetry_center r_upper = self._petro_extent_cas * self.rpetro_circ r, flag = _radius_at_fraction_of_total_circ(image, center, r_upper, fraction) self.flag = max(self.flag, flag) if np.isnan(r) or (r <= 0.0): warnings.warn('[CAS] Invalid radius_at_fraction_of_total.', AstropyUserWarning) self.flag = 2 r = -99.0 # invalid return r @lazyproperty def r20(self): """ The radius that contains 20% of the light within 'petro_extent_cas' (usually 1.5) times 'rpetro_circ'. """ return self._radius_at_fraction_of_total_cas(0.2) @lazyproperty def r50(self): """ The radius that contains 50% of the light within 'petro_extent_cas' (usually 1.5) times 'rpetro_circ'. """ return self._radius_at_fraction_of_total_cas(0.5) @lazyproperty def r80(self): """ The radius that contains 80% of the light within 'petro_extent_cas' (usually 1.5) times 'rpetro_circ'. """ return self._radius_at_fraction_of_total_cas(0.8) @lazyproperty def concentration(self): """ Calculate concentration as described in Lotz et al. (2004). """ if (self.r20 == -99.0) or (self.r80 == -99.0): C = -99.0 # invalid else: C = 5.0 * np.log10(self.r80 / self.r20) return C @lazyproperty def smoothness(self): """ Calculate smoothness (a.k.a. clumpiness) as defined in eq. (11) from Lotz et al. (2004). Note that the original definition by Conselice (2003) includes an additional factor of 10. """ image = self._cutout_stamp_maskzeroed # Exclude central region during smoothness calculation: r_in = self._petro_fraction_cas * self.rpetro_circ r_out = self._petro_extent_cas * self.rpetro_circ ap = photutils.aperture.CircularAnnulus(self._asymmetry_center, r_in, r_out) boxcar_size = int(self._petro_fraction_cas * self.rpetro_circ) image_smooth = ndi.uniform_filter(image, size=boxcar_size) image_diff = image - image_smooth image_diff[image_diff < 0] = 0.0 # set negative pixels to zero ap_flux = ap.do_photometry(image, method='exact')[0][0] ap_diff = ap.do_photometry(image_diff, method='exact')[0][0] if ap_flux <= 0: warnings.warn('[smoothness] Nonpositive total flux.', AstropyUserWarning) self.flag = 2 return -99.0 # invalid if self._sky_smoothness == -99.0: # invalid skybox S = ap_diff / ap_flux else: S = (ap_diff - ap.area*self._sky_smoothness) / ap_flux if not np.isfinite(S): warnings.warn('Invalid smoothness.', AstropyUserWarning) self.flag = 2 return -99.0 # invalid return S ################## # MID statistics # ################## def _segmap_mid_main_clump(self, q): """ For a given quantile ``q``, return a boolean array indicating the locations of pixels above ``q`` (within the original segment) that are also part of the "main" clump. """ threshold = _quantile(self._sorted_pixelvals_stamp_no_bg_nonnegative, q) above_threshold = self._cutout_stamp_maskzeroed_no_bg_nonnegative >= threshold # Instead of assuming that the main segment is at the center # of the stamp, use the position of the brightest pixel: ic = int(self._y_maxval_stamp) jc = int(self._x_maxval_stamp) # Grow regions using 8-connected neighbor "footprint" s = ndi.generate_binary_structure(2, 2) labeled_array, num_features = ndi.label(above_threshold, structure=s) # Sanity check (brightest pixel should be part of the main clump): assert labeled_array[ic, jc] != 0 return labeled_array == labeled_array[ic, jc] def _segmap_mid_function(self, q): """ Helper function to calculate the MID segmap. For a given quantile ``q``, return the ratio of the mean flux of pixels at the level of ``q`` (within the main clump) divided by the mean of pixels above ``q`` (within the main clump). """ locs_main_clump = self._segmap_mid_main_clump(q) mean_flux_main_clump = np.mean( self._cutout_stamp_maskzeroed_no_bg_nonnegative[locs_main_clump]) mean_flux_new_pixels = _quantile( self._sorted_pixelvals_stamp_no_bg_nonnegative, q) if mean_flux_main_clump == 0: warnings.warn('[segmap_mid] Zero flux sum.', AstropyUserWarning) ratio = 1.0 self.flag = 2 else: ratio = mean_flux_new_pixels / mean_flux_main_clump return ratio - self._eta @lazyproperty def _segmap_mid(self): """ Create a new segmentation map as described in Section 4.3 from Freeman et al. (2013). Notes ----- This implementation improves upon previous ones by making the MID segmap independent of the number of quantiles used in the calculation, as well as other parameters. """ num_pixelvals = len(self._sorted_pixelvals_stamp_no_bg_nonnegative) # In some rare cases (as a consequence of an erroneous # initial segmap, as in J095553.0+694048_g.fits.gz), # the MID segmap is technically undefined because the # mean flux of "newly added" pixels never reaches the # target value, at least within the original segmap. # In these cases we simply assume that the MID segmap # is equal to the Gini segmap. if self._segmap_mid_function(0.0) > 0.0: if self._verbose: warnings.warn( 'segmap_mid is undefined; using segmap_gini instead.', AstropyUserWarning) return self._segmap_gini # Find appropriate quantile using numerical solver q_min = 0.0 q_max = 1.0 xtol = 1.0 / float(num_pixelvals) q = opt.brentq(self._segmap_mid_function, q_min, q_max, xtol=xtol) locs_main_clump = self._segmap_mid_main_clump(q) # Regularize a bit the shape of the segmap: segmap_float = ndi.uniform_filter( np.float64(locs_main_clump), size=self._boxcar_size_mid) segmap = segmap_float > 0.5 # Make sure that brightest pixel is in segmap ic = int(self._y_maxval_stamp) jc = int(self._x_maxval_stamp) if ~segmap[ic, jc]: warnings.warn('[segmap_mid] Adding brightest pixel to segmap.', AstropyUserWarning) segmap[ic, jc] = True self.flag = 2 # Grow regions with 8-connected neighbor "footprint" s = ndi.generate_binary_structure(2, 2) labeled_array, num_features = ndi.label(segmap, structure=s) return labeled_array == labeled_array[ic, jc] @lazyproperty def _cutout_mid(self): """ Apply the MID segmap to the postage stamp cutout and set negative pixels to zero. """ image = np.where(self._segmap_mid, self._cutout_stamp_maskzeroed_no_bg_nonnegative, 0.0) return image @lazyproperty def _sorted_pixelvals_mid(self): """ Just the sorted pixel values of the MID cutout. """ image = self._cutout_mid return np.sort(image[~self._mask_stamp_no_bg]) def _multimode_function(self, q): """ Helper function to calculate the multimode statistic. Returns the sorted "areas" of the clumps at quantile ``q``. """ threshold = _quantile(self._sorted_pixelvals_mid, q) above_threshold = self._cutout_mid >= threshold # Neighbor "footprint" for growing regions, including corners: s = ndi.generate_binary_structure(2, 2) labeled_array, num_features = ndi.label(above_threshold, structure=s) # Zero is reserved for non-labeled pixels: labeled_array_nonzero = labeled_array[labeled_array != 0] labels, counts = np.unique(labeled_array_nonzero, return_counts=True) sorted_counts = np.sort(counts)[::-1] return sorted_counts def _multimode_ratio(self, q): """ For a given quantile ``q``, return the "ratio" (A2/A1)*A2 multiplied by -1, which is used for minimization. """ invalid = np.sum(self._cutout_mid) # high "energy" for basin-hopping if (q < 0) or (q > 1): ratio = invalid else: sorted_counts = self._multimode_function(q) if len(sorted_counts) == 1: ratio = invalid else: ratio = -1.0 * float(sorted_counts[1])**2 / float(sorted_counts[0]) return ratio @lazyproperty def multimode(self): """ Calculate the multimode (M) statistic as described in Freeman et al. (2013) and Peth et al. (2016). Notes ----- In the original publication, Freeman et al. (2013) recommends using the more robust quantity (A2/A1)*A2, while Peth et al. (2016) recommends using the size-independent quantity A2/A1. Here we take a mixed approach (which, incidentally, is also what Mike Peth's IDL implementation actually does): we maximize the quantity (A2/A1)*A2 (as a function of the brightness threshold) but ultimately define the M statistic as the corresponding A2/A1 value. The original IDL implementation only explores quantiles in the range [0.5, 1.0], at least with the default settings. While this might be useful in practice, in theory the maximum (A2/A1)*A2 value could also happen in the quantile range [0.0, 0.5], so here we take a safer, more general approach and search over [0.0, 1.0]. In practice, the quantity (A2/A1)*A2 is tricky to optimize. We improve over previous implementations by doing so in two stages: starting with a brute-force search over a relatively coarse array of quantiles, as in the original implementation, followed by a finer search using the basin-hopping method. This should do a better job of finding the global maximum. """ q_min = 0.0 q_max = 1.0 # STAGE 1: brute-force # We start with a relatively coarse separation between the # quantiles, equal to the value used in the original IDL # implementation. If every calculated ratio is invalid, we # try a smaller size. mid_stepsize = 0.02 while True: quantile_array = np.arange(q_min, q_max, mid_stepsize) ratio_array = np.zeros_like(quantile_array) for k, q in enumerate(quantile_array): ratio_array[k] = self._multimode_ratio(q) k_min = np.argmin(ratio_array) q0 = quantile_array[k_min] ratio_min = ratio_array[k_min] if ratio_min < 0: # valid "ratios" should be negative break elif mid_stepsize < 1e-3: if self._verbose: warnings.warn( '[M statistic] Single clump!', AstropyUserWarning) # This sometimes happens when the source is a star, so the user # might want to discard M=0 cases, depending on the dataset. return 0.0 else: mid_stepsize = mid_stepsize / 2.0 if self._verbose: warnings.warn('[M statistic] Reduced stepsize to %g.' % ( mid_stepsize), AstropyUserWarning) # STAGE 2: basin-hopping method # The results seem quite robust to changes in this parameter, # so I leave it hardcoded for now: mid_bh_rel_temp = 0.5 temperature = -1.0 * mid_bh_rel_temp * ratio_min res = opt.basinhopping( self._multimode_ratio, q0, minimizer_kwargs={"method": "Nelder-Mead"}, niter=self._niter_bh_mid, T=temperature, stepsize=mid_stepsize, interval=self._niter_bh_mid/2, disp=False, seed=0) q_final = res.x[0] # Finally, return A2/A1 instead of (A2/A1)*A2 sorted_counts = self._multimode_function(q_final) return float(sorted_counts[1]) / float(sorted_counts[0]) @lazyproperty def _cutout_mid_smooth(self): """ Just a Gaussian-smoothed version of the zero-masked image used in the MID calculations. """ image_smooth = ndi.gaussian_filter(self._cutout_mid, self._sigma_mid) return image_smooth @lazyproperty def _watershed_mid(self): """ This replaces the "i_clump" routine from the original IDL code. The main difference is that we do not place a limit on the number of labeled regions (previously limited to 100 regions). This is also much faster, thanks to the highly optimized "peak_local_max" and "watershed" skimage routines. Returns a labeled array indicating regions around local maxima. """ peaks = skimage.feature.peak_local_max( self._cutout_mid_smooth, num_peaks=np.inf) num_peaks = peaks.shape[0] # The zero label is reserved for the background: peak_labels = np.arange(1, num_peaks+1, dtype=np.int64) ypeak, xpeak = peaks.T markers = np.zeros(self._cutout_mid_smooth.shape, dtype=np.int64) markers[ypeak, xpeak] = peak_labels mask = self._cutout_mid_smooth > 0 labeled_array = skimage.segmentation.watershed( -self._cutout_mid_smooth, markers, connectivity=2, mask=mask) return labeled_array, peak_labels, xpeak, ypeak @lazyproperty def _intensity_sums(self): """ Helper function to calculate the intensity (I) and deviation (D) statistics. """ labeled_array, peak_labels, xpeak, ypeak = self._watershed_mid num_peaks = len(peak_labels) flux_sums = np.zeros(num_peaks, dtype=np.float64) for k, label in enumerate(peak_labels): locs = labeled_array == label flux_sums[k] = np.sum(self._cutout_mid_smooth[locs]) sid = np.argsort(flux_sums)[::-1] sorted_flux_sums = flux_sums[sid] sorted_xpeak = xpeak[sid] sorted_ypeak = ypeak[sid] return sorted_flux_sums, sorted_xpeak, sorted_ypeak @lazyproperty def intensity(self): """ Calculate the intensity (I) statistic as described in Peth et al. (2016). """ sorted_flux_sums, sorted_xpeak, sorted_ypeak = self._intensity_sums if len(sorted_flux_sums) <= 1: # Unlike the M=0 cases, there seem to be some legitimate # I=0 cases, so we do not turn on the "bad measurement" flag. return 0.0 else: return sorted_flux_sums[1] / sorted_flux_sums[0] @lazyproperty def deviation(self): """ Calculate the deviation (D) statistic as described in Peth et al. (2016). """ image = np.float64(self._cutout_mid) # skimage wants double sorted_flux_sums, sorted_xpeak, sorted_ypeak = self._intensity_sums if len(sorted_flux_sums) == 0: warnings.warn('[deviation] There are no peaks.', AstropyUserWarning) self.flag = 2 return -99.0 # invalid xp = sorted_xpeak[0] yp = sorted_ypeak[0] # Calculate centroid M = skimage.measure.moments(image, order=1) if M[0, 0] <= 0: warnings.warn('[deviation] Nonpositive flux within MID segmap.', AstropyUserWarning) self.flag = 2 return -99.0 # invalid yc = M[1, 0] / M[0, 0] xc = M[0, 1] / M[0, 0] area = np.sum(self._segmap_mid) D = np.sqrt(np.pi/area) * np.sqrt((xp-xc)**2 + (yp-yc)**2) if not np.isfinite(D): warnings.warn('Invalid D-statistic.', AstropyUserWarning) self.flag = 2 return -99.0 # invalid # This is the "last" MID statistic that is calculated, so we try # to clear some memory here. del self._cutout_stamp_maskzeroed_no_bg del self._sorted_pixelvals_stamp_no_bg del self._cutout_stamp_maskzeroed_no_bg_nonnegative del self._sorted_pixelvals_stamp_no_bg_nonnegative del self._cutout_mid del self._sorted_pixelvals_mid del self._cutout_mid_smooth return D ################### # SHAPE ASYMMETRY # ################### @lazyproperty def rhalf_circ(self): """ The radius of a circular aperture containing 50% of the light, assuming that the center is the point that minimizes the asymmetry and that the total is at ``rmax_circ``. """ image = self._cutout_stamp_maskzeroed center = self._asymmetry_center if self.rmax_circ == 0: r = 0.0 else: r, flag = _radius_at_fraction_of_total_circ( image, center, self.rmax_circ, 0.5) self.flag = max(self.flag, flag) # In theory, this return value can also be NaN return r @lazyproperty def rhalf_ellip(self): """ The semimajor axis of an elliptical aperture containing 50% of the light, assuming that the center is the point that minimizes the asymmetry and that the total is at ``rmax_ellip``. """ image = self._cutout_stamp_maskzeroed center = self._asymmetry_center if self.rmax_ellip == 0: r = 0.0 else: r, flag = _radius_at_fraction_of_total_ellip( image, center, self.elongation_asymmetry, self.orientation_asymmetry, self.rmax_ellip, 0.5) self.flag = max(self.flag, flag) # In theory, this return value can also be NaN return r @lazyproperty def _segmap_shape_asym(self): """ Construct a binary detection mask as described in Section 3.1 from Pawlik et al. (2016). Notes ----- The original algorithm assumes that a circular aperture with inner and outer radii equal to 20 and 40 times the FWHM is representative of the background. In order to avoid amplifying uncertainties from the central regions of the galaxy profile, we assume that such an aperture has inner and outer radii equal to multiples of the elliptical Petrosian radius (which can be specified by the user). Also, we define the center as the point that minimizes the asymmetry, instead of the brightest pixel. """ ny, nx = self._cutout_stamp_maskzeroed.shape # Center at pixel that minimizes asymmetry center = self._asymmetry_center # Create a circular annulus around the center # that only contains background sky (hopefully). r_in = self._petro_extent_flux * self.rpetro_ellip r_out = 2.0 * self._petro_extent_flux * self.rpetro_ellip circ_annulus = photutils.aperture.CircularAnnulus(center, r_in, r_out) # Convert circular annulus aperture to binary mask circ_annulus_mask = circ_annulus.to_mask(method='center') # With the same shape as the postage stamp circ_annulus_mask = circ_annulus_mask.to_image((ny, nx)) # Invert mask and exclude other sources total_mask = self._mask_stamp | np.logical_not(circ_annulus_mask) # If sky area is too small (e.g., if annulus is outside the # image), use skybox instead. if np.sum(~total_mask) < self._skybox_size**2: if self._verbose: warnings.warn('[shape_asym] Using skybox for background.', AstropyUserWarning) total_mask = np.ones((ny, nx), dtype=np.bool_) total_mask[self._slice_skybox] = False # However, if skybox is undefined, there is nothing to do. if np.sum(~total_mask) == 0: warnings.warn('[shape_asym] Asymmetry segmap undefined.', AstropyUserWarning) self.flag = 2 return ~self._mask_stamp_no_bg # Define the "mode" as in Bertin & Arnouts (1996): bkg_estimator = photutils.background.ModeEstimatorBackground( median_factor=2.5, mean_factor=1.5) # Do sigma-clipping until convergence mean, median, std = sigma_clipped_stats( self._cutout_stamp_maskzeroed, mask=total_mask, sigma=3.0, maxiters=None, cenfunc=bkg_estimator) # Mode as defined in Bertin & Arnouts (1996) mode = 2.5*median - 1.5*mean threshold = mode + std # Smooth image slightly and apply 1-sigma threshold image_smooth = ndi.uniform_filter( self._cutout_stamp_maskzeroed, size=self._boxcar_size_shape_asym) above_threshold = image_smooth >= threshold # Make sure that brightest pixel (of smoothed image) is in segmap ic, jc = np.argwhere(image_smooth == np.max(image_smooth))[0] if ~above_threshold[ic, jc]: warnings.warn('[shape_asym] Adding brightest pixel to segmap.', AstropyUserWarning) above_threshold[ic, jc] = True self.flag = 2 # Grow regions with 8-connected neighbor "footprint" s = ndi.generate_binary_structure(2, 2) labeled_array, num_features = ndi.label(above_threshold, structure=s) return labeled_array == labeled_array[ic, jc] @lazyproperty def rmax_circ(self): """ Return the distance (in pixels) from the pixel that minimizes the asymmetry to the edge of the main source segment, similar to Pawlik et al. (2016). """ image = self._cutout_stamp_maskzeroed ny, nx = image.shape # Center at pixel that minimizes asymmetry xc, yc = self._asymmetry_center # Distances from all pixels to the center ypos, xpos = np.mgrid[0:ny, 0:nx] distances = np.sqrt((ypos-yc)**2 + (xpos-xc)**2) # Only consider pixels within the segmap. rmax_circ = np.max(distances[self._segmap_shape_asym]) if rmax_circ == 0: warnings.warn('[rmax_circ] rmax_circ = 0!', AstropyUserWarning) self.flag = 2 return rmax_circ @lazyproperty def rmax_ellip(self): """ Return the semimajor axis of the minimal ellipse (with fixed center, elongation and orientation) that contains the entire main segment of the shape asymmetry segmap. In most cases this is almost identical to rmax_circ. """ image = self._cutout_stamp_maskzeroed ny, nx = image.shape # Center at pixel that minimizes asymmetry xc, yc = self._asymmetry_center theta = self.orientation_asymmetry y, x = np.mgrid[0:ny, 0:nx] xprime = (x-xc)*np.cos(theta) + (y-yc)*np.sin(theta) yprime = -(x-xc)*np.sin(theta) + (y-yc)*np.cos(theta) r_ellip = np.sqrt(xprime**2 + (yprime*self.elongation_asymmetry)**2) # Only consider pixels within the segmap. rmax_ellip = np.max(r_ellip[self._segmap_shape_asym]) if rmax_ellip == 0: warnings.warn('[rmax_ellip] rmax_ellip = 0!', AstropyUserWarning) self.flag = 2 return rmax_ellip @lazyproperty def outer_asymmetry(self): """ Calculate outer asymmetry as described in Wen et al. (2014). Note that the center is the one used for the standard asymmetry. """ image = self._cutout_stamp_maskzeroed asym = self._asymmetry_function(self._asymmetry_center, image, 'outer') return asym @lazyproperty def shape_asymmetry(self): """ Calculate shape asymmetry as described in Pawlik et al. (2016). Note that the center is the one used for the standard asymmetry. """ image = np.where(self._segmap_shape_asym, 1.0, 0.0) asym = self._asymmetry_function(self._asymmetry_center, image, 'shape') return asym #################### # SERSIC MODEL FIT # #################### @lazyproperty def _sersic_model(self): """ Fit a 2D Sersic profile using Astropy's model fitting library. An initial guess for the model is automatically generated based on other statmorph measurements, although users can provide their own initial values (and optionally keep them fixed) via the ``sersic_model_args`` keyword argument. Return the fitted model object. """ image = self._cutout_stamp_maskzeroed ny, nx = image.shape # Measure runtime start = time.time() # Initialize dict for fitting arguments (unless provided by user) if self._sersic_fitting_args is None: self._sersic_fitting_args = {} # Check deprecated argument if self._sersic_maxiter is not None: warnings.warn( "The argument sersic_maxiter is deprecated. Please use " "sersic_fitting_args instead.", AstropyDeprecationWarning) self._sersic_fitting_args['maxiter'] = self._sersic_maxiter # Set default fitting options (unless provided by user) if 'maxiter' not in self._sersic_fitting_args: self._sersic_fitting_args['maxiter'] = 500 if 'acc' not in self._sersic_fitting_args: self._sersic_fitting_args['acc'] = 1e-5 # Initialize dict for model arguments (unless provided by user) if self._sersic_model_args is None: self._sersic_model_args = {} # Impose minimum value of n = 0.01 (prevent floating point overflow) if 'bounds' not in self._sersic_model_args: self._sersic_model_args['bounds'] = {'n': (0.01, None)} # Start from approximate relation between n and concentration empirical_n = 10.0**(-1.5) * self.concentration**3.5 empirical_n = min(max(empirical_n, 1.0), 3.5) # limit to range [1, 3.5] # Create initial guesses for some model parameters (amplitude later) if 'r_eff' not in self._sersic_model_args: self._sersic_model_args['r_eff'] = self.rhalf_ellip if 'n' not in self._sersic_model_args: self._sersic_model_args['n'] = empirical_n if 'x_0' not in self._sersic_model_args: self._sersic_model_args['x_0'] = self.xc_asymmetry if 'y_0' not in self._sersic_model_args: self._sersic_model_args['y_0'] = self.yc_asymmetry if 'ellip' not in self._sersic_model_args: self._sersic_model_args['ellip'] = self.ellipticity_asymmetry if 'theta' not in self._sersic_model_args: self._sersic_model_args['theta'] = self.orientation_asymmetry # Origin must coincide with that of image cutout self._sersic_model_args['x_0'] -= self.xmin_stamp self._sersic_model_args['y_0'] -= self.ymin_stamp # For readability guess_r_eff = self._sersic_model_args['r_eff'] guess_center = np.array([self._sersic_model_args['x_0'], self._sersic_model_args['y_0']]) guess_ellip = self._sersic_model_args['ellip'] guess_theta = self._sersic_model_args['theta'] # Get mean flux at the effective "radius" a_in = guess_r_eff - 0.5 * self._annulus_width a_out = guess_r_eff + 0.5 * self._annulus_width if a_in < 0: warnings.warn('[sersic] guess_r_eff < annulus_width.', AstropyUserWarning) self.flag_sersic = 2 a_in = guess_r_eff b_out = (1 - guess_ellip) * a_out ellip_annulus = photutils.aperture.EllipticalAnnulus( guess_center, a_in, a_out, b_out, theta=guess_theta) ellip_annulus_mean_flux = _aperture_mean_nomask( ellip_annulus, image, method='exact') if ellip_annulus_mean_flux <= 0.0: warnings.warn('[sersic] Nonpositive flux at r_e.', AstropyUserWarning) self.flag_sersic = 2 ellip_annulus_mean_flux = np.abs(ellip_annulus_mean_flux) # Final parameter if 'amplitude' not in self._sersic_model_args: self._sersic_model_args['amplitude'] = ellip_annulus_mean_flux # Create initial model if self._psf is None: sersic_init = models.Sersic2D(**self._sersic_model_args) else: sersic_init = ConvolvedSersic2D(**self._sersic_model_args) sersic_init.set_psf(self._psf) # Dummy value (in case calculations are aborted) self._sersic_chi2 = -99.0 # Prepare data for fitting y, x = np.mgrid[0:ny, 0:nx].astype(image.dtype) weightmap = self._weightmap_stamp # Exclude pixels with image == 0 or weightmap == 0 from the fit. fit_weights = np.zeros_like(image) locs = (image != 0) & (weightmap != 0) # The sky background noise is already included in the weightmap: fit_weights[locs] = 1.0 / weightmap[locs] # Number of "valid" pixels self._sersic_num_validpixels = np.sum(locs) # Calculate number of free parameters and degrees of freedom self._sersic_num_freeparam = sersic_init.parameters.size # 7 for kwarg in ['fixed', 'tied']: if kwarg in self._sersic_model_args: for param, value in self._sersic_model_args[kwarg].items(): if value: self._sersic_num_freeparam -= 1 assert self._sersic_num_freeparam >= 0 self._sersic_num_dof = (self._sersic_num_validpixels - self._sersic_num_freeparam) if self._sersic_num_dof <= 0: warnings.warn('[sersic] Not enough data for fit.', AstropyUserWarning) self.flag_sersic = 2 return sersic_init # Try to fit model fit_sersic = fitting.LevMarLSQFitter() sersic_model = fit_sersic( sersic_init, x, y, z=image, weights=fit_weights, **self._sersic_fitting_args) if fit_sersic.fit_info['ierr'] not in [1, 2, 3, 4]: warnings.warn("[sersic] fit_info['message']: " + fit_sersic.fit_info['message'], AstropyUserWarning) self.flag_sersic = 2 # If any of the parameters gets "stuck" to a boundary, label the # fit as "suspect" (flag_sersic = 1). if 'bounds' in self._sersic_model_args: for param, bounds in self._sersic_model_args['bounds'].items(): value = getattr(sersic_model, param).value if value in bounds: if self._verbose: warnings.warn( f"[sersic] {param} got stuck at {value}.", AstropyUserWarning) self.flag_sersic = max(self.flag_sersic, 1) # Apply post-fitting corrections (if applicable) (sersic_model.r_eff.value, sersic_model.ellip.value, sersic_model.theta.value) = _postfitting_fix( sersic_model.r_eff.value, sersic_model.ellip.value, sersic_model.theta.value) # Calculate chi^2 statistic of the fitted model. self._sersic_chi2 = np.sum( (fit_weights * (image - sersic_model(x, y)))**2) # Save runtime self.sersic_runtime = time.time() - start return sersic_model @lazyproperty def sersic_amplitude(self): """ The amplitude of the 2D Sersic fit at the effective (half-light) radius (`astropy.modeling.models.Sersic2D`). """ return self._sersic_model.amplitude.value @lazyproperty def sersic_rhalf(self): """ The effective (half-light) radius of the 2D Sersic fit (`astropy.modeling.models.Sersic2D`). """ return self._sersic_model.r_eff.value @lazyproperty def sersic_n(self): """ The Sersic index ``n`` (`astropy.modeling.models.Sersic2D`). """ return self._sersic_model.n.value @lazyproperty def sersic_xc(self): """ The x-coordinate of the center of the 2D Sersic fit (`astropy.modeling.models.Sersic2D`), relative to the original image. """ return self.xmin_stamp + self._sersic_model.x_0.value @lazyproperty def sersic_yc(self): """ The y-coordinate of the center of the 2D Sersic fit (`astropy.modeling.models.Sersic2D`), relative to the original image. """ return self.ymin_stamp + self._sersic_model.y_0.value @lazyproperty def sersic_ellip(self): """ The ellipticity of the 2D Sersic fit (`astropy.modeling.models.Sersic2D`). """ return self._sersic_model.ellip.value @lazyproperty def sersic_theta(self): """ The orientation (counterclockwise, in radians) of the 2D Sersic fit (`astropy.modeling.models.Sersic2D`). """ theta = self._sersic_model.theta.value return theta - np.floor(theta/np.pi) * np.pi @lazyproperty def sersic_chi2_dof(self): """ Reduced chi^2 statistic of the fitted model. """ _ = self._sersic_model if self._sersic_chi2 == -99.0: return -99.0 return self._sersic_chi2 / self._sersic_num_dof @lazyproperty def sersic_aic(self): """ Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) of the fitted model. """ _ = self._sersic_model if self._sersic_chi2 == -99.0: return -99.0 return akaike_info_criterion_lsq( self._sersic_chi2, self._sersic_num_freeparam, self._sersic_num_validpixels) @lazyproperty def sersic_bic(self): """ Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC) of the fitted model. """ _ = self._sersic_model if self._sersic_chi2 == -99.0: return -99.0 return bayesian_info_criterion_lsq( self._sersic_chi2, self._sersic_num_freeparam, self._sersic_num_validpixels) ########################### # DOUBLE SERSIC MODEL FIT # ########################### @lazyproperty def _doublesersic_initial_guess(self): """ Construct an initial guess for the double 2D Sersic model by separately performing "inner" and "outer" single Sersic fits to the light distribution. The inner and outer regions are separated by an ellipse with semi-major axis given by r_sep, which can be specified by the user as a multiple of rhalf_ellip. """ image = self._cutout_stamp_maskzeroed ny, nx = image.shape # Prepare data for fitting y, x = np.mgrid[0:ny, 0:nx].astype(image.dtype) weightmap = self._weightmap_stamp # Center at pixel that minimizes asymmetry xc, yc = self._asymmetry_center theta = self.orientation_asymmetry xprime = (x-xc)*np.cos(theta) + (y-yc)*np.sin(theta) yprime = -(x-xc)*np.sin(theta) + (y-yc)*np.cos(theta) r_ellip = np.sqrt(xprime**2 + (yprime*self.elongation_asymmetry)**2) # Semimajor axis of the ellipse used to separate the inner and # outer regions: r_sep = self._doublesersic_rsep_over_rhalf * self.rhalf_ellip # The initial model is the same for the inner and outer fits: sersic_init = self._sersic_model.copy() # Fix center sersic_init.fixed['x_0'] = True sersic_init.fixed['y_0'] = True # INNER SERSIC FIT # Exclude pixels with image == 0 or weightmap == 0 from the fit, # as well as pixels outside the region of interest. fit_weights = np.zeros_like(image) locs = (image != 0) & (weightmap != 0) & (r_ellip < r_sep) # The sky background noise is already included in the weightmap: fit_weights[locs] = 1.0 / weightmap[locs] # Try to fit model. Here we use less demanding values for ``maxiter`` # and ``acc``, since the goal is just to obtain a first guess. fit_sersic = fitting.LevMarLSQFitter() sersic_inner = fit_sersic( sersic_init, x, y, z=image, weights=fit_weights, maxiter=100, acc=1e-4) # OUTER SERSIC FIT # Exclude pixels with image == 0 or weightmap == 0 from the fit, # as well as pixels outside the region of interest. fit_weights = np.zeros_like(image) locs = (image != 0) & (weightmap != 0) & (r_ellip >= r_sep) # The sky background noise is already included in the weightmap: fit_weights[locs] = 1.0 / weightmap[locs] # Try to fit model. Here we use less demanding values for ``maxiter`` # and ``acc``, since the goal is just to obtain a first guess. fit_sersic = fitting.LevMarLSQFitter() sersic_outer = fit_sersic( sersic_init, x, y, z=image, weights=fit_weights, maxiter=100, acc=1e-4) return sersic_inner, sersic_outer @lazyproperty def _doublesersic_model(self): """ Fit a double 2D Sersic profile using Astropy's model fitting library. An initial guess for the model is automatically generated based on other statmorph measurements, although users can provide their own initial values (and optionally keep them fixed) via the ``doublesersic_model_args`` keyword argument. Return the fitted model object. """ image = self._cutout_stamp_maskzeroed ny, nx = image.shape # Measure runtime start = time.time() # Initialize dict for fitting arguments (unless provided by user) if self._doublesersic_fitting_args is None: self._doublesersic_fitting_args = {} # Set default fitting options (unless provided by user) if 'maxiter' not in self._doublesersic_fitting_args: self._doublesersic_fitting_args['maxiter'] = 500 if 'acc' not in self._doublesersic_fitting_args: self._doublesersic_fitting_args['acc'] = 1e-5 # Initialize dict for model arguments (unless provided by user) if self._doublesersic_model_args is None: self._doublesersic_model_args = {} # Impose minimum value of n = 0.01 (prevent floating point overflow) if 'bounds' not in self._doublesersic_model_args: self._doublesersic_model_args['bounds'] = {'n_1': (0.01, None), 'n_2': (0.01, None)} # Obtain initial guess for the model parameters sersic_inner, sersic_outer = self._doublesersic_initial_guess if 'x_0' not in self._doublesersic_model_args: self._doublesersic_model_args['x_0'] = self.sersic_xc if 'y_0' not in self._doublesersic_model_args: self._doublesersic_model_args['y_0'] = self.sersic_yc if 'amplitude_1' not in self._doublesersic_model_args: self._doublesersic_model_args['amplitude_1'] = sersic_inner.amplitude.value if 'r_eff_1' not in self._doublesersic_model_args: self._doublesersic_model_args['r_eff_1'] = sersic_inner.r_eff.value if 'n_1' not in self._doublesersic_model_args: self._doublesersic_model_args['n_1'] = sersic_inner.n.value if 'ellip_1' not in self._doublesersic_model_args: self._doublesersic_model_args['ellip_1'] = sersic_inner.ellip.value if 'theta_1' not in self._doublesersic_model_args: self._doublesersic_model_args['theta_1'] = sersic_inner.theta.value if 'amplitude_2' not in self._doublesersic_model_args: self._doublesersic_model_args['amplitude_2'] = sersic_outer.amplitude.value if 'r_eff_2' not in self._doublesersic_model_args: self._doublesersic_model_args['r_eff_2'] = sersic_outer.r_eff.value if 'n_2' not in self._doublesersic_model_args: self._doublesersic_model_args['n_2'] = sersic_outer.n.value if 'ellip_2' not in self._doublesersic_model_args: self._doublesersic_model_args['ellip_2'] = sersic_outer.ellip.value if 'theta_2' not in self._doublesersic_model_args: self._doublesersic_model_args['theta_2'] = sersic_outer.theta.value # Origin must coincide with that of image cutout self._doublesersic_model_args['x_0'] -= self.xmin_stamp self._doublesersic_model_args['y_0'] -= self.ymin_stamp # Create initial model if self._psf is None: doublesersic_init = DoubleSersic2D(**self._doublesersic_model_args) else: doublesersic_init = ConvolvedDoubleSersic2D(**self._doublesersic_model_args) doublesersic_init.set_psf(self._psf) # Tie ellipticity and position angle of the two components if self._doublesersic_tied_ellip: doublesersic_init.ellip_2.tied = lambda model: model.ellip_1 doublesersic_init.theta_2.tied = lambda model: model.theta_1 # Dummy value (in case calculations are aborted) self._doublesersic_chi2 = -99.0 # Prepare data for fitting y, x = np.mgrid[0:ny, 0:nx].astype(image.dtype) weightmap = self._weightmap_stamp # Exclude pixels with image == 0 or weightmap == 0 from the fit. fit_weights = np.zeros_like(image) locs = (image != 0) & (weightmap != 0) # The sky background noise is already included in the weightmap: fit_weights[locs] = 1.0 / weightmap[locs] # Number of "valid" pixels self._doublesersic_num_validpixels = np.sum(locs) # Calculate number of free parameters and degrees of freedom self._doublesersic_num_freeparam = doublesersic_init.parameters.size # 12 for kwarg in ['fixed', 'tied']: if kwarg in self._doublesersic_model_args: for param, value in self._doublesersic_model_args[kwarg].items(): if value: self._doublesersic_num_freeparam -= 1 assert self._doublesersic_num_freeparam >= 0 self._doublesersic_num_dof = (self._doublesersic_num_validpixels - self._doublesersic_num_freeparam) if self._doublesersic_num_dof <= 0: warnings.warn('[doublesersic] Not enough data for fit.', AstropyUserWarning) self.flag_doublesersic = 2 return doublesersic_init # Try to fit model fit_doublesersic = fitting.LevMarLSQFitter() doublesersic_model = fit_doublesersic( doublesersic_init, x, y, z=image, weights=fit_weights, **self._doublesersic_fitting_args) if fit_doublesersic.fit_info['ierr'] not in [1, 2, 3, 4]: warnings.warn("[doublesersic] fit_info['message']: " + fit_doublesersic.fit_info['message'], AstropyUserWarning) self.flag_doublesersic = 2 # If any of the parameters gets "stuck" to a boundary, label the # fit as "suspect" (flag_doublesersic = 1). if 'bounds' in self._doublesersic_model_args: for param, bounds in self._doublesersic_model_args['bounds'].items(): value = getattr(doublesersic_model, param).value if value in bounds: if self._verbose: warnings.warn( f"[doublesersic] {param} got stuck at {value}.", AstropyUserWarning) self.flag_doublesersic = max(self.flag_doublesersic, 1) # Apply post-fitting corrections (if applicable) (doublesersic_model.r_eff_1.value, doublesersic_model.ellip_1.value, doublesersic_model.theta_1.value) = _postfitting_fix( doublesersic_model.r_eff_1.value, doublesersic_model.ellip_1.value, doublesersic_model.theta_1.value) (doublesersic_model.r_eff_2.value, doublesersic_model.ellip_2.value, doublesersic_model.theta_2.value) = _postfitting_fix( doublesersic_model.r_eff_2.value, doublesersic_model.ellip_2.value, doublesersic_model.theta_2.value) # Calculate chi^2 statistic of the fitted model. self._doublesersic_chi2 = np.sum( (fit_weights * (image - doublesersic_model(x, y)))**2) # Save runtime self.doublesersic_runtime = time.time() - start return doublesersic_model @lazyproperty def doublesersic_xc(self): """ The x-coordinate of the center of the double 2D Sersic fit, relative to the original image. """ return self.xmin_stamp + self._doublesersic_model.x_0.value @lazyproperty def doublesersic_yc(self): """ The y-coordinate of the center of the double 2D Sersic fit, relative to the original image. """ return self.ymin_stamp + self._doublesersic_model.y_0.value @lazyproperty def doublesersic_amplitude1(self): """ The amplitude of the first component of the double 2D Sersic fit at its effective radius (rhalf1). """ return self._doublesersic_model.amplitude_1.value @lazyproperty def doublesersic_rhalf1(self): """ The effective (half-light) radius of the first component of the double 2D Sersic fit. """ return self._doublesersic_model.r_eff_1.value @lazyproperty def doublesersic_n1(self): """ The Sersic index ``n`` of the first component of the double 2D Sersic fit. """ return self._doublesersic_model.n_1.value @lazyproperty def doublesersic_ellip1(self): """ The ellipticity of the first component of the double 2D Sersic fit. """ return self._doublesersic_model.ellip_1.value @lazyproperty def doublesersic_theta1(self): """ The orientation (counterclockwise, in radians) of the first component of the double 2D Sersic fit. """ theta = self._doublesersic_model.theta_1.value return theta - np.floor(theta/np.pi) * np.pi @lazyproperty def doublesersic_amplitude2(self): """ The amplitude of the second component of the double 2D Sersic fit at its effective radius (rhalf2). """ return self._doublesersic_model.amplitude_2.value @lazyproperty def doublesersic_rhalf2(self): """ The effective (half-light) radius of the second component of the double 2D Sersic fit. """ return self._doublesersic_model.r_eff_2.value @lazyproperty def doublesersic_n2(self): """ The Sersic index ``n`` of the second component of the double 2D Sersic fit. """ return self._doublesersic_model.n_2.value @lazyproperty def doublesersic_ellip2(self): """ The ellipticity of the second component of the double 2D Sersic fit. """ return self._doublesersic_model.ellip_2.value @lazyproperty def doublesersic_theta2(self): """ The orientation (counterclockwise, in radians) of the second component of the double 2D Sersic fit. """ theta = self._doublesersic_model.theta_2.value return theta - np.floor(theta/np.pi) * np.pi @lazyproperty def doublesersic_chi2_dof(self): """ Reduced chi^2 statistic of the fitted double 2D Sersic model. """ _ = self._doublesersic_model if self._doublesersic_chi2 == -99.0: return -99.0 return self._doublesersic_chi2 / self._doublesersic_num_dof @lazyproperty def doublesersic_aic(self): """ Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) of the fitted model. """ _ = self._doublesersic_model if self._doublesersic_chi2 == -99.0: return -99.0 return akaike_info_criterion_lsq( self._doublesersic_chi2, self._doublesersic_num_freeparam, self._doublesersic_num_validpixels) @lazyproperty def doublesersic_bic(self): """ Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC) of the fitted model. """ _ = self._doublesersic_model if self._doublesersic_chi2 == -99.0: return -99.0 return bayesian_info_criterion_lsq( self._doublesersic_chi2, self._doublesersic_num_freeparam, self._doublesersic_num_validpixels)
[docs] def source_morphology(image, segmap, **kwargs): """ Calculate the morphological parameters of all sources in ``image`` as labeled by ``segmap``. Parameters ---------- image : array-like A 2D image containing the sources of interest. The image must already be background-subtracted. segmap : array-like (int) or `photutils.segmentation.SegmentationImage` A 2D segmentation map where different sources are labeled with different positive integer values. A value of zero is reserved for the background. Other parameters ---------------- kwargs : `~statmorph.SourceMorphology` properties. Returns ------- sources_morph : list A list of `SourceMorphology` objects, one for each source. The morphological parameters can be accessed as attributes or keys. See Also -------- SourceMorphology : Class to measure morphological parameters. Examples -------- See `README.rst` for usage examples. References ---------- See `README.rst` for a list of references. """ if not isinstance(segmap, photutils.segmentation.SegmentationImage): segmap = photutils.segmentation.SegmentationImage(segmap) sources_morph = [] for label in segmap.labels: sources_morph.append(SourceMorphology(image, segmap, label, **kwargs)) return sources_morph